Registration Process

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Instructions for Registration

NOTE: Registration should be done using Personal Computer (PC) only.

1. Please enter your VES email address in the registration form.
If you are First Yr. BE/ MCA/ ME or Direct Second Yr. BE and do not have a VES email address yet then please enter your VES email address in format:;
Note: Please note down this email address as you will be required to login into the website using the same.

2. In order to register successfully you need to upload a scanned copy of the following document's in ONE pdf document only:
  • College Fee Receipt.
  • Aadhar Card (Front and Back).
  • Allotment Letter (only for CAP Candidates).
  • Passport Size Photo.

3. You will receive registration successful mail after successful registration.

Technical Assistance

For any queries/assistance, please visit room no. 10A or mail to